The rivalry fuels both boys in everything they do – and they banter constantly. He and Cam have a healthy and long-running rivalry – based firmly in good-hearted mateship.

He's popular and sporty, always off on some adventure or another with best mate Cam. Good looking and charming, Zac starts out as an all-round nice guy. With Nixie and Lyla always at each others' throats, Sirena plays the role of mediator. Sirena is initially cautious around Lyla, but quickly realises that they'll all need to stick together to succeed on land. She is loyal, a little clumsy and of all three mermaids, struggles with legs the most. Where Nixie is the leader, Sirena is the follower. Sirena is a little naive, very trusting, can be unsure of herself at times. Sirena has been Nixie's best friend since they were hatchlings. But things don't quite go as smoothly as she planned, and Lyla has to accept that she might be on land for a while.

When the three mermaids decide to venture onto land to rectify their mistake, Lyla takes a mercenary approach – get legs, sort out the problem, get back to the ocean. She has her own fun in her own way, and she isn't used to having to rely on others. Because of this, she is more familiar than the others with the ways of humans, from fashion to ordering food in cafes.Ī loner and a bit of a rebel, Lyla loves her life as a mermaid and is perfectly content swimming alone all day. Since she was a hatchling, she's been obsessed with land-dwellers, and has spent countless hours watching them from mainland beaches. Nixie thinks both Sirena and Lyla could afford to lighten up. Nixie is adventurous and fun-loving to the extent that she sometimes gets herself in trouble, acting before she thinks.